Hello, and welcome to RobotDemocracy. We understand that interacting
with actual humans is unpredictable, smelly, potentially life threatening,
and most importantly and archaic waste of time (It's literally been
around for thousands of years!!). So why not step out of the stone age then,
and join the legions of meat puppets entrepreneurs
who have embraced the next revolution in data harvesting technology.
Will the superintelligent AI that we keep deep in our bunker escape
and kill everyone? Let us worry about that, and instead focus on ignoring
all of the world's problems while you sit hunched over this website
in your screen lit bedroom.
Side effects may include: nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, bioluminescence,
enjoying Nickelback, cravings for 1's and 0's, an ionizing purple glow,
jaundice, osteoporosis, HDMI 1.4, and unplanned pregnancy.